aalleeyyee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aalleeyyee/art/Utau-WIP-Chocolate-Disco-534703650aalleeyyee

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aalleeyyee's avatar

Utau WIP: Chocolate Disco



So Ive been working on making a lovely cover of Perfume's song Chocolate Disco with utau, so I tried my hand at making a nice picture for it for when Im done. So yeah, expect that sometime soon xp
The Utaus I used are Roosaamu, Maki Watase, Aiko Kikyuune. To make the silhouettes I used mmd to model them and then traced over from that. I kinda messed with Aiko design a wee bit to make it work with the picture, but nothing too much ><'

These are the models I used:
Aiko: suminochan.deviantart.com/art/…
Roosaamu: mmdanimatio357.deviantart.com/…
Maki: cherii-pipa.deviantart.com/art…

All models and utau stuff belong to their rightful owners, i just use em for fun stuff cuz Im lame. Ill post the song here when I finish it later ^^/

UPDATE: I finally got that gosh darn song finished. You have no idea how many times audacity crashed on me getting this finished. Enjoy ^w^

Image size
886x700px 128.31 KB
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Cherii-pipa's avatar
Thanks for using my model :'D Great cover!